Kamis, 25 Juni 2015


Connectors : Kata penghubung. (memiliki 3 jenis yaitu : Coordinating Connectors, Subordinating Connectors (cause connector, mau: because, because of) dan Correlative Connectors (Not only…but also, either or…neither nor, both…and)).
Ex : I love shopping and swimming.
Adjective Clause : kata yang menjelaskan noun dan pronoun.
Ex : That was made of cheddar chese.
Adjective : Kata sifat.
Ex : He’s a lazy student.
Adverb : Kata keterangan.
Ex : He thinks math is easy.

Rabu, 20 Mei 2015

Causeative Verb.

Causeative Verb.
Definisi :
Causative verb adalah kata kerja yang digunakan untuk mememrinah orang lain.
Kegunaan :
Untuk memerintah seseorang.
Rumus :
1.      Active Sentence.
a.       Have / Make.
Subject + Have/Has + Infinitive / Verb 1

b.      Let.
Let + Object + Infinitive / Verb 1

c.       Get.
Subject + Get + Object + Infinitive / Verb 1

2.      Passive Sentence.
Subject + Have / Make / get + Object + Verb 3

Contoh Kalimat :
1.      Contoh Kalimat Active Sentence.
                              1)            Ata had his friend open the window.
                              2)            The teacher had the student to do homework.
                              3)            Ata had his mother to make some French fries.
                              4)            Faiz will had the mechanic repair his computer later.
                              5)            Faiz made his friend repair his computer.
                              6)            My mother lets me choose my car.
                              7)            Ata lets his friend open the window.
                              8)            The teacher lets the student do homework.
                              9)            Ata got his brother to buy some milk.
                          10)            The teacher get the student to do homework.

2.      Contoh Kalimat Passive Sentence.
                              1)            Faiz had his computer repaired last week.
                              2)            He have come to England as soon as possible.
                              3)            The teacher have the student to cut his hair.
                              4)            The passengers have the driver to driven well.
                              5)            Ata had his brother to fed his dog.
                              6)            Do you get your cloteh washed ?
                              7)            Ata make this house cleaned.
                              8)            Ata had his driver cleaned his car.
                              9)            He had his car returned as soon as possible.
                          10)            The huntsman had snow white to fled from the quen.

Sumber :

Kamis, 07 Mei 2015

Being Global Leader In Islamic Finance

Nama   : Ika Dewi.
Npm    : 13211481.
Kelas   : 4EA26.
Tugas   : Resume Kuliah Umum (Being Global Leader In Islamic Finance oleh Ronald Rulindo Ph.D)

Tujuan Keuangan Syariah :
        Social economic justice.
        Property alleviation.
        Mendorong financial inclusion.
        Boosting economic development.
        Pengembangan produk dan perbaikan proses bisnis.
        Meningkatkan kualitas syariah governance.
Mengapa Perlu Global Leader In Islamic Finance.
        Menciptakan riba free ekonomi.
        Mewujudkan keadilan social.
        Memberantas kemiskinan.
        Mendukung kemajuan ekonomi lewat ekonomi syariah.
Fenomena riba dalam ktivitas ekonomi masyarakat.
1.      Alasan kenapa riba haram.
a.       Membawa ketidakadilan.
b.      Merusak perekonomian.
c.       Menyebabkan kemalasan
2.      Keuntungan dalam keuangan syariah diperbolehkan selama terkandung.
a.       Kewajiaban.
b.      Usaha.
c.       Resiko.
Bagaimana menjadi Global Leader In Islamic Finance :
        Luruskan niat kepada Allah Swt.
        Perluas wawasan.
        Memperbanyak Ilmu.
        Mengetahui tujuan yang ingin dicapai dalam waktu 5 – 10 tahun kedepan.

Rabu, 22 April 2015

Adverb VS Adjective *Comparison Degree

Kata Keterangan
Kata Sifat
Digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan verb (kata kerja), adjective (kata sifat), atau adverb lain.
        Untuk memodifikasi keseluruhan kalimat.
        Untuk memodifikasi kalimat preposition.
Digunakan untuk memodifikasi kata benda (noun) dan kata ganti (pronoun)dengan memberi sifat pada benda, dan memberikan informasi pada objek yang dimofikasi. Kata sifat juga digunakan untuk memperjelas atau mempersempit kata benda dan kata ganti.
Menerangkan verb, adverb dan adjective.
Menerangkan kata benda dan kata ganti

Comparison Degree
Degree of comparison adalah bentuk adjective atau adverb yang menyatakan perbandingan. Ada tiga degree of comparison, yaitu: positive, comparative, dan superlative degree.

Digunakan untuk membandingka satu hal dengan hal lainnya.

Tingkatan Perbandingan :
1.       Positive Degree.
Contoh Kalimat
Adverb : Subject 1 + Verb + As Adverb As
               Subject 2
1.     Ata drives as carefully as my father.
2.     Ata run as fast as boas salosa.
3.     Ata swim as fast as a shark.
Adjective : Subject 1 + To be + As Adjective
                  As + Subject 2
1.     My room is colder than fridge.
2.     He is handsome as peter parker.
3.     This task is not difficult as you imagine.

2.       Comparative Degree.
Contoh Kalimat
Subject 1 + Verb/ to be + adjective / adverb + than + subject 2.
1.      My test score greater than you did.
2.      My room smaller than your room.
3.      Tony Stark more famous than Peter Parker
4.      English more difficult than math.
5.      Book more useful than handphone.

3.       Superlative Degree.
Contoh Kalimat
Subject 1 + Verb / tobe + the + Most / least + adjective / adverb.
1.      Kuta beach is the most beautiful beach in my country.
2.      Mr. Stark is the most famous actor in my country.
3.      Book is the most useful than handphone.
4.      Bali is the nicest place.
5.      English is the most difficult lesson.